Week 16

Dear Colleagues,
I am deeply sorry for the disruption in every aspect of your lives caused by the global pandemic COVID-19. We find ourselves facing a challenge none of us has ever seen before in our lifetimes. There have been times, as I imagine there have been for you, when I have been overwhelmed and searching for answers. I worry about the safety of our community, our families, and our friends and partners across the world. My source of comfort and strength is the power of “us.”
I want to express my profound appreciation for you. I am grateful for the many messages I have received from you offering support. I am grateful for the kindness you have shown me and each other. I am grateful for the care with which you have treated our amazing students. I am grateful for the gratitude you have shown at this time of great challenge. I am grateful for the phenomenal effort you have put in to adapt to a new mode of working. I am grateful to be inspired by your energy and dedication.
I have been privileged to see and hear countless stories of the impact of your dedication. Students reminisce how you helped them during a time of great academic and personal challenges. Alumni attribute their professional success and shaping of their minds almost entirely to the experiences you helped create. Peers have been touched by your compassion and generosity. You have changed lives profoundly. And I have unwavering faith and confidence in you to help us emerge even stronger as we respond to this challenge.
Please take all precautions to stay safe and healthy. It is important to repeat that your well-being is our utmost priority. As we face such a fluid and challenging situation, I cannot overemphasize how vital it is for all of us to take care of each other. Check on a colleague, friend or family member. Go easy on yourself. Be patient. Breathe.
In the words of one of my favorite poets, Ralph Waldo Emerson, “ Beware what you set your heart upon. For it surely shall be yours.” Our heart is set on continuing our journey of transforming the lives of our students and those around us and nothing can stop us.
With gratitude,