Students of NIU Business: Brian Meyer

Brain Meyer is pursuing his bachelor’s degree in human resource management at the College of Business at NIU and expecting his graduation in 2022. Meyer shared his experience about his personal and professional experience in this article.
Hometown: Elgin, IL
Year: Expected graduation: 2022
Major: Management
Transfer from: Elgin Community College
What did you want to be when you were growing up? Are you pursuing that as a major, or have you taken another path?
When I was in high school, I wanted to be a counseling psychologist. However, when I entered my sophomore year of college, I decided that I instead wanted a career in a business field.
What is your major (and/or minor) and why did you decide on this course of study?
My major is management with an emphasis in human resource management. I decided to pursue this major because it is the closest business field to psychology. I want to use my talents to help employees be the best they can be.
What has been something you have found pleasantly surprising about your experience at NIU?
Though it initially took a great deal of effort, I’ve found it easier and easier to make new friends at NIU. Once people know you’re available, you’ll get more and more opportunities to socialize.
How have you connected with other students virtually to study for classes, meet new people or form new friendships?
In my business communications course, I would meet with some of my classmates on Zoom to study for exams. It was nice because it provided a way to connect with people during a time when it was otherwise impossible to do so.
Are you involved in any student organizations, mentoring programs or extra-curricular activities? If so, which ones? How have they added to your experience as a Huskie?
I’m currently involved in the dean’s student advisory board and the Society for Human Resource Management. I’m also a prospective member of Pi Sigma Epsilon. I enjoy these organizations because I feel more like I’m a member of a greater community, and it’s a great way to make friends.
Who has been one of your favorite instructors/professors and why? What course did they teach?
Wayne Finley was one of my favorite professors at NIU. He taught business communications and always kept the class engaged and entertained while making us learn.
Where is your favorite spot on campus or in the community? Why are you drawn to it?
I enjoy studying on the fourth floor of Founders Memorial Library next to a window. It’s quiet and I can watch the sunset while I work.
What advice would you give to a student who is applying to colleges?
Don’t discount community colleges for the first year or two. Though it may seem like you could be behind socially when you get to NIU, there’s a whole community of transfer students trying to make friends.
Coming to college, what is something that you have had to learn to do differently?
My study habits were abysmal at community college, so I had to learn to not procrastinate and to ask for help when I need it.
What do you do to relax or recharge?
I like playing video games in my dorm or hanging out with friends in one of the many lounges available.
This content from the COB News is reshared about his personal and professional experience.